
  • Where Compassion Meets Action: California State Library Mental Health Initiative Webinar Series

    In addition to webinars and courses created through WebJunction, we are pleased to include quality content from other organizations. As part of the California State Library Mental Health Initiative, Infopeople, the education and training branch of Ca...

  • It's a Wrap! Wikipedia + Libraries: Health and Medical Information Course

    When Finger Lakes Library System librarian, Jenny Shonk, recently faced a personal health issue, she found herself turning to the convenience of Wikipedia for research. Shonk, who is the continuing education and outreach public librarian in Ithaca, N...

  • Denver Public Library: Opioid Response Profile

    Denver Public Library's Community Resource Program (CRP) is the foundation for the library's response to the opioid crisis. The program launched in 2015 as a solution to staff interest in better serving individuals experiencing homelessness, and expa...

  • Journal of Collaborative Librarianship - Libraries and the Opioid Response

    The first in a series of two articles was published in Collaborative Librarianship, with an introduction to the project research. The article is available for review and download.

  • New York State Library Provides Opioid Overdose Guidance to All Libraries in the State

    In New York, state law was recently changed to allow public libraries to administer naloxone, the opioid overdose reversal drug. This prompted the New York State Library and several partnering organizations to collaborate in developing guidance, reso...

  • Hunger and Libraries: Snacks, Backpacks and More

    Autumn is an excellent time of year to highlight ways libraries are fighting hunger in their communities, and October is a great month to start planning for summer lunch and learning programs. Below you’ll find a list of some resources for learning m...

  • Opioid Crisis: Libraries, Resources, Context and Data

    Over two million people in the U.S. are estimated to be dependent on prescription opioids or heroin. This national epidemic is affecting communities of all sizes and the public libraries that serve them. We've begun to collect links to news, resource...

  • Culinary Literacy: Approaches and Programming Ideas

    Liz Fitzgerald, a 2016 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, recently presented a WebJunction webinar focused on culinary literacy at the Free Library of Philadelphia (PA) where she is the administrator of the Culinary Literacy Center (CLC).

  • Library Kitchens and Cooking Programs

    Frequently we spot posts on Facebook groups, like ALA Think Tank or the Programming Librarian Interest Group, that get us really excited. Today was one of those days, when we saw a question posted by someone who's library has just opened a renovated ...

  • Advancing Health Equity through Services to Patrons Experiencing Homelessness

    "In order to maximize opportunities for access experienced by certain groups, a good society commits resources in order to level the playing field…if access policies concentrate solely on the objective of equality without reference to equity, th...