
Organizational management

Photo of three people talking in a library

Leading the management of your organization involves many moving parts and people. From the development of your library's mission and vision, to strategy implementation and daily operations, leading your library team and serving as an organizational leader in your community requires ongoing improvement and innovation.  

Self-paced courses and webinar recordings on this topic are freely available in the WebJunction Course Catalog.  

Photo: Harris County Public Library on

Most Recently Added

Build on Strengths When Responding to a Crisis

Publish Date: News / 11 November 2021

As the REALM project (REopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums) continues to gather and adapt science-based information to inform local decision making by libraries, archives, and museums, it’s been essential to listen to the real-world experiences...

On Implicit Bias and Communication

Publish Date: Webinar / 8 July 2021

Reflect on how life experiences, traditions, and beliefs impact communication and explore strategies for facilitating deeper discussions and stronger connections as steps toward developing a more community-centered library.

Building Connections with Community Assets

Publish Date: Webinar / 3 June 2021

Explore strategies for connecting with community assets in-person and online as a step toward developing a more community-centered library.