
  • Advancing Health Equity through Services to Patrons Experiencing Homelessness

    "In order to maximize opportunities for access experienced by certain groups, a good society commits resources in order to level the playing field…if access policies concentrate solely on the objective of equality without reference to equity, th...

  • Librarians Leave "Fort Ref" and Reach Out with Reference

    The role of reference is changing, and librarians at Douglas County Libraries in Colorado, United States, took an active approach to examining what reference could look like for their community. Through a series of small projects and collaborative ef...

  • Programming to the Core: 7 innovative library programs

    If there ever was a time when public libraries were just static repositories of books, it’s long gone. Libraries everywhere are reinventing their programs and services to remain vital through the shifting sands of cultural and technological change. W...

  • Books and Beyond: Dynamic Programming for Adults

    Books and Beyond | As library lovers, we know the power books possess to encourage, incite, and expose us. Audrey Barbakoff, Adult Services Manager with Kitsap Regional Library, regularly exposes members of her community to new ideas, and to each oth...

  • Making Connections: Libraries and Essential Human Services

    There are times when the needs of a patron goes beyond our immediate services or an individual's comfort zone. You can probably think of a recent example right now. Knowing where to refer a customer or who to call in your community can really help. W...

  • Great Ideas for Innovative Community Engagement

    A recent Huffington Post article tells of a Facebook experiment that spawned over 150 community-generated ideas on the future of Miami's libraries. Rebecca Fishman Lipsey and Francine Madera, in 100 Great Ideas for the Future of Libraries -- A Ne...

  • Community-Centered Awareness: Impacts and Outcomes of Geek the Library

    In the recent webinar Geek the Library: Impact and Outcomes, we focused on the campaign’s ability to spark natural conversation by asking the question, "What do you geek?"

  • For Social Good: Libraries and the Sharing Economy

    Have you ever wondered what the sharing economy is, and how libraries fit in?  TechSoup's July webiner, "Kickstarter, Uber, Airbnb, Oh My! What the Sharing Economy Means for Social Good," offers a good explanation and includes specific...

  • Public Libraries: A Haven to the Homeless

    When skeptics question the need for public libraries in an era when digital books and materials seem to keep patrons away from the physical space of the library, they make a major assumption. They assume that public libraries are only custodians of p...

  • Connecting with International and Immigrant Patrons in Their Own Languages

    Many public libraries across the country offer specialized classes or programs to reach out to their non-English speaking patrons. For example, in order to help its adult patrons develop English language skills in speaking and writing, the King Count...