
  • The Future of Reference is Outside the Library

    Over the last decade, the fortress-like walls of the library reference desk have been breached in favor of more inviting structures and roving librarians. However, that's not going far enough, according to Jamie LaRue, director of Douglas County (CO)...

  • Community-Led Public Libraries

    As we celebrate WebJunction's #WJ10th anniversary, we're pleased to recognize a new work by a webinar presenter alum, Kenneth Williment, co-author of Developing Community-Led Public Libraries. In Canada and the UK, libraries have been using ...

  • The Engaged and Embedded Library: Moving from talk to action

    Civic engagement is not a new concept for libraries, which have long been active community hubs. However, in this age of library transformation, it is time to escalate the scale of community engagement. On one level, it is survival; it is also the na...