
Partnerships & collaboration

Photo of people working around a tabletop whiteboard.

When the library builds partnerships, it strengthens the ties to its community, shares resources, and builds positive relationships with diverse stakeholders. Reaching out to initiate community partnerships begins with identifying both traditional and non-traditional partners and exploring new ways to work together. Effective collaborations are sustained through a shared commitment to serving the ever-changing needs of the community.

Photo: jenlen, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

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Pima County Library: Building Community through Cultural Humility

Publish Date: News / 25 January 2022

It’s no secret that a lot of really wonderful people work in libraries. I learn so much from having regular access to motivated, smart people who are so passionate about helping others. The best librarians possess a unique blend of conviction, commit...

Successful Partnership Model Provides Legal Assistance Across Colorado

Publish Date: News / 16 December 2021

Ric Morgan is a humble man who brushes off any accolades to himself and gives all the credit to librarians. “Go give the librarians a hug. Thank the librarians, they’re the ones who make this all possible!” Morgan is referring to successes of the Vir...

Build on Strengths When Responding to a Crisis

Publish Date: News / 11 November 2021

As the REALM project (REopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums) continues to gather and adapt science-based information to inform local decision making by libraries, archives, and museums, it’s been essential to listen to the real-world experiences...

Public Health is Part of Library Outreach

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Like many libraries across the nation, the Free Library of Philadelphia is undergoing a paradigm shift. Increasingly, our focus is not only on extensive collections but on how we are engaging with our communities. To address this shift, the Free Libr...

Community of Practice for Telehealth at the Library

Publish Date: News / 1 June 2021

Even before the pandemic, Pottsboro Library in Texas had begun to focus more on health, through their community garden, and programming like cooking classes for families on a SNAP budget. But when director Dianne Connery witnessed the added challenge...