Personal growth & development

Photo of the word Learning
Photo by Alan Levine, Public Domain

WebJunction is committed to the idea of lifelong learning and that it takes many forms. This could be learning that we do to gain work-related knowledge, to develop communication skills, or even improve our personal health and wellness. Explore this topic area to find resources and information to help you cultivate a positive approach to situations in and out of the workplace.

Self-paced courses and webinar recordings on this topic are freely available in the WebJunction Course Catalog.

Most Recently Added

Recap: Libraries and the COVID-19 Crisis, OCLC Virtual Town Hall

Publish Date: News / 28 April 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted the personal and professional lives of library staff everywhere. As libraries respond to rapidly evolving information and guidelines, building closures, and loss of resources, staff are turning to new, virtual ways t...

Small and Rural Librarians: Leading the Way in Online Conferences

Publish Date: News / 9 April 2020

As part of the public health response to the coronavirus, most face-to-face conferences scheduled for upcoming months have been cancelled, with many opting for online conferences. For instance, the Society for Public Health Education’s annual confere...

Opening Doors and Minds with a "Yes!"

Publish Date: News / 8 January 2020

"Yes!" That’s what Kathy Zappitello, Executive Director of the Conneaut Public Library wants her staff to be able to say to patrons, to colleagues, and to new opportunities. The library, which serves a community of 12,841 residents in north...

Infopeople Webinars Added to the WebJunction Course Catalog

Publish Date: News / 11 July 2019

In addition to webinars and courses created through WebJunction, we are pleased to include quality content from other organizations, including Infopeople. We recently added ten new Infopeople webinar recordings, ranging from supporting individuals ex...

5 Ways to Make WebJunction Part of Your Day

Publish Date: News / 14 February 2019

At WebJunction, our tagline is "The learning place for libraries." To help you explore all the learning that we have to offer, we've put together a quick list of five things you can do to get started. With so many self-paced options, you ca...

6 Webinars to Jumpstart Your Professional Development

Publish Date: News / 24 December 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, it's the perfect time to think about your professional development goals for next year. Check out this greatest hits list of WebJunction's webinars that you can watch free at any time. Each webinar includes a list of related...

Librarian Evolution: Libraries Thrive When We Change

Publish Date: Webinar / 29 November 2018

In this Transformative Leaders webinar, learn about an award-winning library's approach to change management, as an organization that not only responds to change, but one that embraces it.