
  • Program Idea: Teen Exam Cram Week

    We love hearing about successful program ideas from public libraries. Back in December we asked Crossroads readers if there was a program or initiative that they were particularly proud of from 2015, and Brigid Day, Adult Programming Coordinator at T...

  • Library Kitchens and Cooking Programs

    Frequently we spot posts on Facebook groups, like ALA Think Tank or the Programming Librarian Interest Group, that get us really excited. Today was one of those days, when we saw a question posted by someone who's library has just opened a renovated ...

  • Friend Speed Dating: a Program for People in their 20s and 30s

    I hear from 20/30s all the time that they struggle to find new friends in the area. It's hard to leave university behind – where there are countless opportunities to meet people – and join the working world. While many are finding each other on Meetu...

  • Racial Equity in the Library, Part Two: Diverse Collections, Programming, Resources

    "So this group of rowdy teen/tween boys came into the library today. They weren't really causing trouble, but they were a little loud and just … looked like they were looking for mischief, you know? So then they started going through the non-fic...

  • Racial Equity in the Library, Part One: Where to Start?

    For this two-part series, WebJunction takes a look at a complex and broad issue: racial equity in the library. As we participate in conversations about the future of the library and its critical place within community, equity issues continue to surfa...

  • Advancing Health Equity through Services to Patrons Experiencing Homelessness

    "In order to maximize opportunities for access experienced by certain groups, a good society commits resources in order to level the playing field…if access policies concentrate solely on the objective of equality without reference to equity, th...

  • Durable Transformation: Library Spaces Continue to Activate Community

    Early in 2014, two Washington libraries launched newly transformed areas in the middle of their floor space, replacing static (mostly CD) shelving with dynamic spaces for active community engagement. Working with WebJunction under a grant from the Al...

  • Serving Youth Experiencing Homelessness

    Youth homelessness is increasing and teens who are homeless have a myriad of challenges to overcome. While the problem of teen homelessness is complicated, public libraries are finding ways to reach out and provide safe, positive programs as well as ...

  • Livestream the TED Conference in February 2016

    Share a day at the legendary TED Conference with your library community. Convene a livestream viewing event at your library on February 16, 17 or 18, 2016. Choose a day and apply for a free license to hold a simulcast viewing event for up to one full...

  • Programming to the Core: 7 innovative library programs

    If there ever was a time when public libraries were just static repositories of books, it’s long gone. Libraries everywhere are reinventing their programs and services to remain vital through the shifting sands of cultural and technological change. W...