
  • Libraries & Veterans National Forum Toolkit

    Veterans, military service members, and their families are among users of virtually every library across the country. Indeed, libraries play a significant role in supporting veterans and military-affiliated patrons by welcoming them to the community,...

  • Three Lessons for Launching Successful Multilingual Programs at Your Library

    The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that 67.3 million Americans speak a language other than English at home, a number that has more than doubled since 1990. That’s a huge number with powerful implications for social institutions, including l...

  • Localizing the misinformation escape room

    Even before the official launch of Loki’s Loop in June 2022, the research team at the University of Washington Information School received numerous requests for collaboration from across the world. The first two organizations they agreed to support a...

  • The Euphorigen Investigation: Backgrounder

    Are there patrons at your library who seem to be influenced by misinformation? Have you tried to provide them with trustworthy information, or offered tips on how to better search? Have you provided digital or media literacy programs that teach criti...

  • Workforce Development: A Library Partnership Success Story

    OCLC’s headquarters are in Dublin, Ohio, a neighbor to the award-winning Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML). Not only is CML frequented by OCLC employees because it’s their local system, but many of us visit (I work out of Pittsburgh, PA) from time ...

  • Listen. Partner. Follow Through: Community Engagement Principles

    The best part of my job at OCLC is getting to hear about the impactful programs and activities that libraries create to solve community problems and help transform lives. I recently got the chance to talk to Nancy Pacheco and Elizabeth Gray from the ...

  • Host Your Own Cardboard Carnival

    It started as part of a Saturday program with underrepresented students in STEM, paired with mentors from Northwestern University to work on monthly engineering design projects. After several years of one-off projects that were, frankly, a bit stale,...

  • Socially Connected Communities: Solutions for Social Isolation

    A new report on Socially Connected Communities: Solutions for Social Isolation published by Healthy Places by Design highlights how librarians and other leaders can work together to address this issue. The report was developed based on a series of co...

  • Pima County Library: Building Community through Cultural Humility

    It’s no secret that a lot of really wonderful people work in libraries. I learn so much from having regular access to motivated, smart people who are so passionate about helping others. The best librarians possess a unique blend of conviction, commit...

  • Public Health is Part of Library Outreach

    Outreach efforts in the public library increasingly center around building, sustaining, and leveraging community partnerships, including with public health partners. That fact was evident at the 2021 Association of Bookmobile & Outreach Services’...