

  • Fortnite "In Real Life" at the Emporia Public Library

    More and more libraries are hosting programs that bring people of all ages together for "in real life" or IRL interaction. Building on the popularity of online gaming, these events can help get people off the couch and their screens, provid...

  • Return to the real: The library as social connector

    Slides and related resources for a session presented at the 2019 ALA Midwinter conference in Seattle, by Betha Gutsche and Jennifer Peterson.

  • Seniors and Financial Scams: When Traditional Workshops Aren't Working

    Consumers lost a total of $905 million to fraud in 2017, according to the Federal Trade Commission's 2017 Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book. The FTC fielded 1.1 million fraud reports last year, with fraudulent debt collection, identify theft, and i...

  • Breaking Bread with Anythink Libraries

    Bread has been a major staple of the human diet for thousands of years - in fact, consumption of grains can be traced as far back as the Middle Stone Age. And while this simple combination of flour, water, salt and yeast can yield many different styl...

  • Are Dogs the New Library Cat?

    At Red Land Community Library in Etters, Pennsylvania, parents can sign children up for a 15-minute slot to read to a golden retriever. Ella is one of three trained therapy dogs who are among the library's most famous and beloved volunteers. The dogs...

  • Adult Arts and Crafts at the Library (and 5 Cool Projects to Get You Started)

    Introverts around the world will relate to Adult Services Librarian, Elizabeth Koenig's inspiration for starting an arts and crafts program for adults at her library. "'I'd done various art parties in my home for friends and had found I really p...

  • Next Chapter Book Club: Where Reading is for Everyone

    Through the Next Chapter Book Club, adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities are finding a unique opportunity to engage in literacy, socialize and hang out in a community setting - all through the power of books and reading. Program fa...

  • How Pie and Bingo was Born

    This is the first in a new series on WebJunction published in collaboration with the Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL), highlighting innovative programming from member libraries serving small and rural communities. Thanks to our first ...

  • Bookmobiles that Break the Mold

    Bookmobiles, or mobile libraries, have been around since the 19th century, when they were horse-drawn wagons bringing books to rural communities. Government funding in the 1950s and 60s created a bookmobile surge, and popularity has risen ...

  • How Maryland Libraries Are Using Virtual and Augmented Reality (and How Your Library Can Too)

    When Jennifer Bishop and Liz Sundermann-Zinger brought virtual reality (VR) to their library users, they were wading into new territory. Sundermann-Zinger was the Data, Communication, and Services Coordinator for the Maryland State Library when she d...