

  • Drive social media success that connects on a personal level

    How can you engage purposefully on social media with the different communities your library serves while also addressing larger, system-wide goals and policies? The concept of “social care” offers a clue. Social care differs from traditional customer...

  • Host a new virtual misinformation escape room at your library

    Is your public library looking for a fun way to teach community members about spotting misinformation in social media? Do you know people in your community who like to solve puzzles, play live-action adventure games, or who are craving some structure...

  • Return to the real: The library as social connector

    Slides and related resources for a session presented at the 2019 ALA Midwinter conference in Seattle, by Betha Gutsche and Jennifer Peterson.

  • Best Practices and Planning for Digitization Projects

    Alyce L. Scott, a lecturer with the School of Information at San Jose State University, explores the best practices and planning needed for digitization projects.

  • Social media and libraries survey summary

    WebJunction and TechSoup for Libraries collaborated on a series of free webinars focused on Libraries and Social Media. In conjunction with the 2017 series, we invited participation in a survey to learn more about how libraries use social media. The ...

  • Social media policy examples

    In fall 2017, WebJunction cohosted a series of webinars with TechSoup on social media in libraries. In conjunction with the series, library staff were asked in a survey, if social media policies were in place in their libraries. The most common respo...

  • Two opportunities to develop tech skills with Geek Squad Academy and Best Buy Teen Tech Centers

    Scientific discovery and technological innovation play a major role in meeting the challenges of the 21st century. By expanding participation in STEM education, libraries are helping to prepare the next generations to meet these challenges.

  • Shoestring Digital Media Lab: How one little underfunded library made it happen

    The year was 2012 and several large public libraries were pioneering high-tech digital medial labs as an innovative approach to engaging a diverse audience of teens. Tameca Beckett attended PLA in Philadelphia as the Youth Services Librarian for Laur...

  • 3D printers: a revolution headed for your library

    3D printing conjures notions of the Star Trek replicator—a computerized machine that can turn a verbal command into 3-dimensional objects, including food items. The evolution of 3D printers is advancing rapidly toward and even beyond that sci-fi visi...

  • Don't reinvent the wheel: Digital literacy resources

    Libraries know digital literacy; they’ve been the go-to resource for their communities for years. Yet the need continues to grow as the demand for basic skills intensifies and new skills emerge. Whether supporting job hunters, students, older adults,...