Drive social media success that connects on a personal level
How can you engage purposefully on social media with the different communities your library serves while also addressing larger, system-wide goals and policies? The concept of “social care” offers a clue. Social care differs from traditional customer...
Host a new virtual misinformation escape room at your library
Is your public library looking for a fun way to teach community members about spotting misinformation in social media? Do you know people in your community who like to solve puzzles, play live-action adventure games, or who are craving some structure...
Return to the real: The library as social connector
Slides and related resources for a session presented at the 2019 ALA Midwinter conference in Seattle, by Betha Gutsche and Jennifer Peterson.
Best Practices and Planning for Digitization Projects
Alyce L. Scott, a lecturer with the School of Information at San Jose State University, explores the best practices and planning needed for digitization projects.
Social media and libraries survey summary
WebJunction and TechSoup for Libraries collaborated on a series of free webinars focused on Libraries and Social Media. In conjunction with the 2017 series, we invited participation in a survey to learn more about how libraries use social media. The ...
Social media policy examples
In fall 2017, WebJunction cohosted a series of webinars with TechSoup on social media in libraries. In conjunction with the series, library staff were asked in a survey, if social media policies were in place in their libraries. The most common respo...
Two opportunities to develop tech skills with Geek Squad Academy and Best Buy Teen Tech Centers
Scientific discovery and technological innovation play a major role in meeting the challenges of the 21st century. By expanding participation in STEM education, libraries are helping to prepare the next generations to meet these challenges.
Shoestring Digital Media Lab: How one little underfunded library made it happen
The year was 2012 and several large public libraries were pioneering high-tech digital medial labs as an innovative approach to engaging a diverse audience of teens. Tameca Beckett attended PLA in Philadelphia as the Youth Services Librarian for Laur...
3D printers: a revolution headed for your library
3D printing conjures notions of the Star Trek replicator—a computerized machine that can turn a verbal command into 3-dimensional objects, including food items. The evolution of 3D printers is advancing rapidly toward and even beyond that sci-fi visi...
Don't reinvent the wheel: Digital literacy resources
Libraries know digital literacy; they’ve been the go-to resource for their communities for years. Yet the need continues to grow as the demand for basic skills intensifies and new skills emerge. Whether supporting job hunters, students, older adults,...