Health Websites for Spanish Speakers
From the Academy of Family Doctors, offers a wealth of family health, disease, and preventive health information.
Home Safety Council
Offers information on various home safety topics in English and in Spanish.
American Heart Association
Information in Spanish and English on heart health topics.
American Cancer Society
Information in Spanish and English on cancer topics.
Spanish version of general health website from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Medline Plus
Spanish website from the National Library of Medicine with information on various topics including pharmaceutical, tutorials, and medical encyclopedia.
Red Cross
Information in Spanish and English on topics such as disaster preparedness, safety, blood services and more.
A medical encyclopedia in Spanish with guides and information about health care and medicine.
Hispanic Health for the Arizona Hispanic Center of Excellence
Online portal of health information resources from the University of Arizona Health Sciences Library. Includes information on topics such as border health, cultural competency for health care, PubMed alerts, statistics, and more.
National Center for Farmworker Health
The National Center for Farmworker Health (NCFH), established in 1975, is dedicated to improving the health status of farmworker families by providing information services and products to a network of more than 500 migrant health center service sites in the United States as well as other organizations and individuals serving the farmworker population.
Health on the Net Foundation
HONcode is the oldest and the most used ethical and trustworthy code for medical and health related information available on Internet. The HONcode is designed for two target audiences: the general public and the web publisher, actively involving the site owner in the process of accreditation.
HealthyNJ: Information for Healthy Living
HealthyNJ is a product of the University Libraries at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. The Consumer Health Information Task Force, comprised of librarians from each of the four UMDNJ Campus Libraries, developed the content of the Web Site to meet the health care information needs of consumers, particularly the citizens of New Jersey. Includes information in Spanish as well as information on health needs of various ethnic groups. is an award-winning Federal Web site for consumers, developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services together with other Federal agencies. links to carefully selected information and Web sites from over 1,500 health-related organizations. This link will direct you to their website in Spanish.
CAPHIS: Resources in Spanish for Consumer Health Information
CAPHIS provides a forum for librarians in the area of consumer health. This pathfinder provides a series of links to various websites that offer health resources in Spanish.
From the Spain-based "Instituto para el estudio de las adicciones", this Web site contains information in Spanish on drug addiction.
National Women's Health Information Center
Here you can find original health information and thousands of health publications on special topics like pregnancy, breastfeeding, body image, HIV/AIDS, girls health, heart health, menopause and hormone therapy, mental health, quitting smoking, violence against women, statistics and daily news on women's health, and a calendar of women's health events. Information available by phone or via website in Spanish and English. en espanol
From the National Cancer Institute, this site currently contains 23 Web pages on different types of cancer, more than 100 peer-reviewed cancer treatment summaries for health professionals and patients, and a dictionary that includes 5,000 terms and definitions in both Spanish and English.
Following the Clues: A Visit to the Doctor and the Library
The University of Nebraska Medical Center has created this film on visiting the doctor and library. It is available on their website in English, Spanish, and Sudanese-Nuer.
Consumer Health Information in Many Languages Resources
From the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, this pathfinder collects resources from a variety of sources on medical topics in multiple languages.