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Now AvailABLE: ABLE Courses in the WebJunction Course Catalog

Kathleen Gesinger /

Some people mention them simply as ABLE. Others know them by their full collection title: Alternative Basic Library Education (ABLE) Program.

"The Alternative Basic Library Education (ABLE) Program is an amazing collection of library-specific self-paced courses."

Those familiar with these courses know the amazing job the staff of the Idaho Commission for Libraries has done developing this content for newer members of the library community. And now, WebJunction is excited to include each course in this program in our free course catalog!

Developed by staff of the Idaho Commission for Libraries, the collection of 13 online, self-paced courses, offers a wide-range of introductory courses for individuals new to the library field. We are pleased to expand our self-paced offerings to support your continuing education efforts. The ABLE courses are organized around three key topical areas: Collection Development, Technical Services, and Public Services. With titles including Collection Development Basics, Introduction to Technical Services and Catalog Records, and The Reference Interview, you, or your staff, will find great introductory or refresher topics, good for the whole library.

Through the support of OCLC, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and many state library agencies, WebJunction provides free, open and easy access to library-specific courses for anyone in the library field. Today, the WebJunction Course Catalog hosts 143 webinar archives and 38 self-paced courses, including this strong collection of core library topics. A special thank you to the Idaho Commission for Libraries, for partnering with us, providing this content, and making it accessible within the WebJunction Course Catalog.

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