
Social Library, Volume 59

Jennifer Peterson /

Image courtesy Louisville Public Library on FacebookThis week's Social Library collects a number of excellent examples of libraries connecting with their communities through food, play, kindness and fundraising. From a BBC Tea Party to a Daddy Boot Camp, find inspiration that can help you think about how to engage with community interests, needs and passions. If you'd like to see your library featured in the Social Library series, please let us know via [email protected], or find us on Facebook.

  • Louisville Public Library in Ohio hosted a BBC Tea Party this past weekend. "Whether your passion is Agatha Christie, Downton Abbey, Sherlock, Doctor Who or any other BBC programming, you are cordially invited to a celebration of all things British TV. Earn prizes for your BBC trivia expertise, and learn about the history of tea in Great Britain. Refreshments are an authentic English tea party, with appropriate beverages and nibbles of both the sweet and savory varieties. Feel free to dress up (or as your favorite BBC character) and hats are encouraged."
  • Image courtesy Foundation for BCPL on Facebook
  • The Baltimore County Public Library (BCPL) in Maryland shared a wonderful album of smiling library supporters in their post about Taste of the Town, the Foundation for BCPL's premier annual fundraiser event. They raised close to $50,000 for programs that help their "community explore, learn, create and connect at BCPL." The Foundation also posted this video recap of the event.

  • Edmonton Public Library (EPL) in Canada caught our eye with a post about their hugely successful Daddy Boot Camp series. Community librarian Michael Eaton describes the impact of Daddy Boot Camp and how dads can help their children develop early literacy skills. "Daddy Boot Camp is hosted by 100.3 FM The Bear's Yukon Jack along with EPL library staff. EPL is developing activities that tap into the fathers' interests and hobbies. Through these activities, dads are able to overcome feelings of awkwardness and actively engage with their children in a public setting." Be sure to check out the video about the series!
  • Image courtesy Sandusky Library - Official Page on Facebook
  • Tuscarawas County Public Library System in Ohio is hosting weekly Food for Thought Days at their library, in partnership with local eateries. "Purchase lunch from a local food truck or restaurant to enjoy with coworkers, friends or family in the open-air library that we'll create for you. There will be seating, music and an opportunity to get a library card. You can get your gadget questions answered or check out new and popular materials while you enjoy our open-air library." Check out the pictures from last week's Food for Thought and take a look at this week's menu!
  • Sandusky Library in Ohio is partnering with Serving Our Seniors to encourage Erie County in becoming a Community of Compassion. The library hosted a week of programming during Kindness Week with everything from card-making to cleaning, including a safety fair. In addition to the six programs, the library encouraged patrons to share acts of kindness on a Kindness Board in the lobby. The series was sponsored through a grant from The Michelle Wightman/Karrie Wieber Charitable Foundation.

Thanks to all of this week's featured libraries for such outstanding service to your communities!