
Social Library, Volume 86

Jennifer Peterson /

Image courtesy Granville Public Library on Facebook

In this, the 86th edition of our Social Library series, we bring you five brand-new-to-us programming and promotion ideas. We know not all ideas we share from libraries on Facebook are original, but most are unique! Our highlights feature a murderous 80s prom, sidewalk painting, nature backpacks, a diaper derby, and GIFs on Facebook. Thank you to all these libraries for your great work, and if you'd like to see your library featured in a Social Library edition, please let us know via or find us on Facebook.

  • Granville Public Library in Ohio hosted a Murder at the 80s Prom last week, with help from the TAG group to get the space ready, and song suggestions gathered via Facebook. Here are the details: "It's an after-hours Mix and Mingle Mystery party! Gladstone High has gathered for their prom, and uh-oh--a Prom King nominee has been found dead! Test your deductive reasoning as you question suspects to see who had the motive, means, and opportunity. We're recreating an 80s prom so 80s style dress welcome and encouraged! (For youth entering grades 7-12)."
  • Akron-Summit County Public Library in Ohio caught our eye with their collection of photos from Northwest Akron Branch’s annual Paint The Walk program, hosted in collaboration with the neighboring recreation center. Patrons of all ages were invited to help beautify the walkways in front of the building.
  • Image courtesy Baltimore County Public Library on Facebook
  • Baltimore County Public Library in Maryland announced that the Reisterstown Branch Library has begun to loan out nature backpacks to patrons. The backpacks can be checked out for three weeks, and include binoculars, a magnifying glass, a butterfly net, and a number of wildlife identification guides. The packpacks were made possible by a microgrant from the Foundation for Baltimore County Public Library.
  • Bellingham Public Library in Massachusetts shared a video of the babies participating in their first ever Diaper Derby! "For pre-walking, crawling babies 12 months and younger. In a Diaper Derby, baby goes up against baby to see who can crawl to the finish line first. Baby races = cuteness! There are no prizes, only fun photo opportunities and a chance to see your baby's competitive side! Also, meet other babies and caregivers." We love the music too!
  • Muncie Public Library in Indiana has been taking advantage of the ability to post GIFs on Facebook, and we loved the one used to promote an upcoming Small Business Video Advertising workshop. "Learn how to make commercials that WON'T make your audience cringe." Check out their feed to see some more!