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The Social Library, Volume 6

Jennifer Peterson /

With the sixth installment of the Social Library, our weekly feature highlighting the great work of those organizations we follow on Facebook, we discovered a library showcasing new local music, #bookfacefriday, a call to future-thinking from SXSW, new research from the UK, and a great tie-in to Women's History Month.

Image courtesy Christchurch City Libraries on FlickrHere's some inspiration from this week's featured organizations:  

  • The Library as Incubator Project shared a wonderful post by Bryan Voell, Local Arts Librarian at the Johnson County Library in Kansas, about The Listen Local Music Project. "Listen Local is Johnson County Library’s new blog dedicated to promoting the diverse musical creativity in and around the Johnson County community."
  • The St. Louis Public Library is one of many libraries who participate in #bookfacefriday, one of the best thing we've ever seen on social media! If your library isn't doing this yet, get started! What a great way to get both staff and patrons involved with something so simple, yet so fun.
  • Our friends at Everylibrary last week shared lessons for librarians gathered at SXSW in 7 Challenges for Librarians from SXSW. They want to continue the conversation, either on Facebook or on the full story. Weigh in on these fantastic insights!
  • Captain in the WAAC Digital ID: 1260343. New York Public Library
  • CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) shared new UK-based Arts Council research which quantifies the economic value of the benefits to health and wellbeing contributed by public libraries. The report, Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Public Libraries, shows that the benefits people gain from public libraries could be valued nationally at around £748.1million per annum. This includes benefits to their quality of life and improvements to health which can save the National Health Service around £27.5million a year.
  • The New York Public Library has made a fantastic connection with Women's History Month in providing a collection of Career Resources for today's women.

We look forward to seeking out next week's treasures from those we follow on Facebook. If you have innovative and impactful programs going on at your library that you'd like to showcase, let us know at [email protected], or find us on Facebook. Thanks to all of this week's featured libraries and organizations for such outstanding service to your communities!