The Social Library, Volume 3
Jennifer Peterson
10 March 2015
Welcome to the third installment of our new weekly feature highlighting some of the amazing work coming from libraries we follow on Facebook. A number of libraries are celebrating 2015 Teen Tech Week and Women's History Month.
Here are the exciting things we discovered are happening at six libraries this week:
- The Topsham Public Library in Maine has partnered with the school district and with local school bus driver, Don Sanders, on the very successful Bus Book Bags program. The program pairs younger bus riders with older students, who read the library books out loud, not only growing reading skills for all, but also alleviating behavior issues that used to be a problem.
- The San Antonio Public Library in Texas hosts a wide range of events at their library. Those include a Free Feral Cat Workshop and Texas Women of Influence, a panel discussion celebrating Women's History Month. Other events include a recent Job Fair, and an interesting upcoming session on the Unique Aspects of Treating Bipolar Disorder in Hispanics.
The DC Public Library is also celebrating Women's History Month, inviting the community to participate in a weekly trivia contest. "Follow us @dcpl and the hashtag #herstorydcpl. Every Monday we'll post a new trivia question. Each person who answers correctly will be entered in raffle Friday for prizes." The question for the week of March 2 was "Who was the first woman in Maryland ever to receive her own land grant?"
- The Rock Spring Public Library in Wisconsin is hosting a Comic Book Workshop with a local artist, where attendees are invited to bring supplies and learn how to create their own comic strip.
- As part of Teen Tech Week 2015, the South San Francisco Public Library is inviting teens to Take the Challenge and create a 3-minute book trailer. The video submissions will be posted, and fans will vote for their favorites. The winner will receive a pair of Beats headphones!
- And thanks to the Chattahoochee Valley Libraries Teens in Columbus, Georgia for honoring the late great Leonard Nimoy with these 3D Printer creations: A Vulcan Salute and Star Trek badge. They also announced the first meeting of the Teen Literacy Society!
- Celebrations are in place for Teen Tech Week at the Lafayette Public Library in Colorado, with Teen Tech Programs all week long, including Hackerspace Special, Tiny Arduino Light Sculptures, Ruby Programming for Girls, and a Games Hackathon.
We look forward to seeking out next week's treasures from the libraries we follow on Facebook. If you have innovative and impactful programs going on at your library that you'd like to showcase, let us know at [email protected], or find us on Facebook. Thanks to all of this week's featured libraries for such outstanding service to your communities!