
The Social Library, Volume 21

Jennifer Peterson /

Image courtesy of Erica Minton on Flickr

With summer zipping by, it's nice to pause to appreciate the gems in Volume 21 of our Social Library series. Each Tuesday, WebJunction showcase libraries we follow on Facebook, and the great work they're doing to support and connect with their communities. This week installation brings a film series, a photo contest, a health initiative, a fresh library promo video, and a clever way to provide timely readers advisory.

  • Boise Public Library in Idaho has been hosting a Silent Film Series every third Wednesdays of the summer. Films featured in the Silent Film Series: See it @ the Library include The Cameraman, La Boheme, Through the Back Door, and The Man Who Laughs. BPL provides popcorn and the big screen!
  • The Tuscarawas County Public Library System in Ohio is inviting local photographers of all ages to participate in their My Hero Summer Reading Digital Photography Contest. Submission details include: "Take a picture of your hero or something that represents your hero to you. Write a sentence or two telling us why this person is your hero, or how your picture represents your hero...Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 photos in children, tweens, teens, adult and professional categories." The contest was highlighted in Wooster Weekly News.
  • Image courtesy of Houston Public Library on FacebookThe Houston Public Library in Texas is partnering with community organizations to offer access to health care providers, health education material, and health screenings. "The Houston Public Library’s Healthy L.I.F.E (Literacy Initiative For Everyone) is an innovative health-based library literacy initiative designed to empower and equip families, specifically low income families, with the information, resources, and tools necessary for healthy living." As part of the initiative, the Texas Children's Health Mobile Clinic will visit libraries to provide: Well Child Exams, Sports Exams, Sick Child Visits, and Immunizations.
  • The Anchorage Public Library in Alaska has shared a wonderful new video showcasing the resources, learning, services, and community they provide. The video is introduced by their director, Mary Jo Torgeson (one of my mentors!), and features community members of all ages talking about what the library means to them. "Dive in and discover," the Anchorage Public Library!
  • The Springfield City Library in Massachusetts, as part of Shark Week, provided an excellent example of how you can use Facebook to connect to your community in a fun, easy, and informative way. Along with an adorable cat photo meme, they posted: "It's #sharkweek! To find books about sharks, look in the 597.3 area. (If you prefer kittehs, try 636.8. For knitting, head to 746.43.) Or ask a librarian for help!"

We look forward to seeking out next week's treasures from those we follow on Facebook. If you have innovative and impactful programs going on at your library that you'd like to showcase, let us know at [email protected], or find us on Facebook.

Thanks to all of this week's featured libraries for such outstanding service to your communities!