Mentoring Needs and Benefits
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
- Facilitate the alignment of staff and organizational needs and mission
- Orient staff new to the profession or new to the organization
- Increase job satisfaction
- Create a learning organization where skills and knowledge are shared and enhanced, making best use of talents in the organization
- Help staff in planning, developing, and managing their careers
- Encourage the development of leadership and management competencies, increase readiness for more responsibility
- Actively address issues of recruitment, retention and succession planning
- Increase minority employee representation in key positions, and support greater diversity
- Encourage cross-departmental and cross-system learning and network development
- Increase workforce flexibility, address changing needs and roles
- Support management through these changes
- Gain new insights and perspectives
- Increase job satisfaction
- Increase peer recognition
- Develop and improve communication skills
- Share expertise and experiences to benefit others
- Incentive to stay current
- Have a greater understanding of the changing skill set being brought into the profession
- Clarify personal vision for career
- Come to recognize barriers to performance
- Overcome barriers
- Get support in developing career objectives
- Develop new skills
- Greater job satisfaction
- Have non-threatening opportunity to ask questions about organization and profession
- Improve communication, negotiation, decision-making and self-assessment skills
- Have increased opportunities for networking
- Experience benefits of learning organization
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