Readopoly Reading Program Board
Niles District Library in Michigan announced on Facebook, the beginning of their Winter Reading 2016 program, Readopoly. They have generously shared the attached PUB and JPG files for other libraries to use. Please include attribution in your library's version of the board.
Tara Hunsberger, Youth Services Librarian, provided this overview of the program:
The theme for Winter Reading this year is Family Game Night. For every book the child reads (or has read to them) they will receive a raffle ticket. Each ticket earned will go into a bag. Each bag represents a family fun game the child will have a chance to win. Prizes include Minion Monopoly, Hi Ho Cherry-O, Guess Who, Hungry Hungry Hippos etc. They will also receive tickets for every program they attend at the library.
For each color block filled and all 4 railroads, they will win a prize. We have a cart of books to choose from or a treasure chest (Pencils, stickers, bubbles etc).
We have a goal to read 10,000 books for the Youth of the community. I have no doubt that we will achieve this goal. We will be having events where the kids can read to therapy dogs, local royalty, and local community helpers. We will also host a Read-A-Thon the week of spring break.
Niles District Library was featured in WebJunction's Social Library 47 and when it was shared on Facebook, someone asked if other libraries could use the board. We asked the library, and they said yes! WebJunction is happy to make these connections for libraries, bringing innovative ideas, templates, tools and best practices for all to share.
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