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AUG 14

Digging into Assessment Data: Tips, Tricks, and Tools of the Trade

Part two of a three-part series on evaluating and sharing your library's impact, focused on exploring tools and methods for collecting and analyzing the data.

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You know what you want to know and how to ask the right questions. Now what? This session will delve into assessment tools and data collection methods—and how to choose the method that works best for you. You also will learn how to analyze your data and turn it into information your library can use. Don’t worry if using qualitative and quantitative data is new to you. You’ll gain the insight you need to use both with confidence.

This webinar is the second in a three-part series bringing together research and practice from across library sectors, covering the ins and outs of creating, and implementing assessments that provide insightful, actionable data.

Presented by Linda Hofschire, PhD, Director, Library Research Service, Colorado State Library; and moderated and co-presented by Lynn Silipigni Connaway, PhD, Director of Library Trends and User Research, OCLC Research

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14 August 2018


3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]



Webinar presenter Linda Hofschire

Webinar presenter Lynn Silipigni Connaway