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MAR 10

Taking Care of Self, Staff, and Community

In this webinar, we explore ideas for expanding core self-care practices to encompass connections with work colleagues and more broadly with community members.

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We’re all aware that self-care is important. We recognize the value of eating healthy, getting plenty of sleep, exercising regularly. However, practicing self-care as a solo activity misses a critical aspect of our well-being: that we are social beings and we need social connection for deeper sustenance. In this webinar, we’ll explore ideas for expanding core self-care practices to encompass connections with work colleagues and more broadly with community members. Extending kindness and nurturing outward increases social cohesion and trust. The presenters will share practical examples and you will be encouraged to think about your own unique interests and how they might enhance your social connections.

Presented by: Brenda Hough, librarian, writer, and trainer with 25 years of professional experience working in and supporting libraries by providing training and consulting services, EluciDare Learning; and Betha Gutsche, WebJunction Program Manager, OCLC

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10 March 2022


3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]

Webinar presenter Brenda Hough

Webinar presenter Betha Gutsche