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Training New Supervisors for Success: Don't Start from Scratch

This webinar, hosted in collaboration with ALA's Learning Round Table, presents ready-made resources to help implement supervisor training at your library.

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New supervisors need timely training as they step into their new role. Not only do they need to learn how to manage people effectively, they need to learn specific procedures particular to their library. Trainers know that it takes a lot of time, up to a year, to develop this kind of training. What if there were some existing training that one could build upon without starting from scratch? There is!

The Learning Round Table of ALA developed three self-guided Supervisor Success modules—Performance Management, Managing Conflict, and Encouraging Motivation in the Workplace (available on WebJunction). Join us as we explore how the Indianapolis Public Library Training and HR staff used this ready-made self-paced learning, added some library-specific context and group discussions, and created a successful new learning process for their managers. Presenters will share their lessons learned to help you implement this kind of supervisor training at your library.

Presented by:

  • Kim Brown-Harden, Manager Regional Branch, Indianapolis Public Library (IN); former Chair; Learning Round Table, ALA
  • Cheryl Wright, Manager, Learning and Development, Indianapolis Public Library (IN); former Chair, Learning Round Table, ALA
  • Katherine Lerg, Director, Human Resources, Indianapolis Public Library (IN)
  • and moderated by Betha Gutsche, WebJunction Programs Manager, OCLC, and Learning Round Table member

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04 May 2021


3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]

Webinar presenter Kimberly Brown-Harden

Webinar presenter Cheryl Wright

Webinar presenter Katherine Lerg