Sustain the Momentum

Even after your campaign officially ends, continue your advocacy efforts to build upon the momentum you’ve gained.
We’ve included campaign testimonials from several libraries that found their campaign opened doors to engage with key community leaders, forge new partnerships, and gain new insights that have influenced their library services and relationship to the community. Additionally, these library staff are still using their new and improved marketing and advocacy skills to make the most of the “ripple effect” that comes from a successful advocacy and awareness campaign.
Advocacy in Action
“I think we’ve gained awareness about why the library is important to individuals, and that it is important to everybody. I think that this will eventually translate into support for funding. This campaign is one where you are going to reap the benefits long after it is finished.”
—Tuscarawas County Public Library Director Michelle McMorrow Ramsell
“What was really helpful was that our experience will now serve as a blueprint for how the staff works together in the future. I now know what it takes to do something like this—especially with how to get the support that needs to be built early on with staff, by giving them the tools they need, so that they can adopt it and go out and do it.”
—Solano County Library in Fairfield California, Community Relations Coordinator Ann Miller
“If you want something to stick, you have to keep putting it out there.”
—Liz Breed, Marketing Director, Capital Area District Library (CADL)