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See Also Links


See The World of Cataloging

A Code of Ethics for Catalogers
The official website of the Cataloging Ethics Steering Committee

Cataloging Lab

PLA, Cataloging Practices

Cataloging and Classification - ALA Groups and Guidelines

Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

Catalogers Learning Workshop

Collection Development

Collections 2.0 Content and Community ~ the Future of Library Collections
Steven R. Harris asks and answers the question "How can we continue to develop and maintain rich cultural repositories and also implement the best of 2.0 to foster community around those repositories? "

Collection Developments @ Sno-Isle
Jim McCluskey, Collection Development Assistant Mgr. at Sno-Isle Libraries, and his crew put a lot of energy into  their work and they "hope you’ll come back regularly and look around since we post new entries frequently."

Compiles reviews from respected critics and publications for film, video/dvd, books, music, television and games

NPR Books
New books, reviews, podcasts of author interviews, recommendations

New York Times Bestseller List

Collection Maintenance

Bookbinding: A Tutorial
How to preservation photocopy and bind a decaying paperback.

Three Basic Book Repair Procedures
Hinge Tightening I, Hinge Tightening II, Tipping-In Loose Pages, Three procedures from an ALA workshop, illustrated with photos

Protect Photos, Documents and Other Papers From Natural Destruction Over Time

Large repository of resources gathered by the National Digital Information Infrastructure & Preservation Program, a collaborative initiative of the Library of Congress.

Digitization 101
Blog by Jill Hurst-Wahl, "The place for staying up-to-date on issues, topics, lessons learned and events surrounding the creation, management, marketing and preservation of digital assets."

Digital Library Federation
The site offers you information about developing digital collections and managing networked information for the benefit of scholarship, education, and cultural progress.


Northeast Document Conservation Center
'NEDCC is the largest nonprofit, regional conservation center in the United States. Its mission is to improve the preservation programs of libraries, archives, museums, and other historical and cultural organizations; to provide the highest quality services to institutions that cannot afford in-house conservation facilities or that require specialized expertise; and to provide leadership to the preservation field.'

Library of Congress: Preservation

Canadian Conservation Institute

Center for the Conservation of Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA)

Council on Library and Information Resources

Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC)

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Getty Conservation Institute

Guild of Bookworkers

International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM)

Midwest Art Conservation Center (MACC)

Moving Image Archivists (AMIA)

National Film Preservation Board

National Archives and Records Administration

National Information Standards Organization

Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)

Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education

Washington Conservation Guild