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Learner engagement

Learner engagement

How we learn

Brain Rules
In this book and website, molecular biologist Dr. John Medina summarizes 12 things scientists now know for sure about how our brains work. The applications to teaching and learning are significant.

Daniel Pink on Motivation
In his book Drive, Pink examines studies about what motivates people in the workplace and comes to some surprising conclusions. The three main motivators are autonomy, mastery, and purpose. See also his RSA lecture, The Surprising Truth about Motivating Others, and the RSA Animate version of the lecture.

Facilitation strategies

Supporting online learners

  • E-Learning Tips is a checklist of ways to help learners prepare for the online experience.
  • Motivating Online Learners (PDF) This slide deck has a lot of information in the notes field about designing for the intrinsic motivators --autonomy, mastery and purpose.
  • Self-Directed Achievement
    By giving her library staff one hour per week to pursue learning of their choice, director Jami Carter revolutionized the learning culture and motivation across her library. (webinar archive)
  • Best Practices - Webconferencing Participants
    Part of the "Webinar Success" information, this lists a number of ways that webinar participants can prepare themselves for a positive experience.