
  • Resources on Book Challenges and Intellectual Freedom

    Across the United States, there are increased reports of book challenges from community members, which have led to very public and heated discussions. As public library leaders and staff consider how to prepare for similar local challenges, being pro...

  • Cyber Legal Clinics Create Access to Employment at Wicomico Public Libraries

    Free legal representation can be hard to access in rural communities and filing legal documents without representation can be costly and confusing. To improve access to civil legal justice for low-income community members, Wicomico Public Libraries p...

  • Hooray for Freedom! Webinars on the Legal and Ethical Foundations of Library Practice

    This summer WebJunction is pleased to host, in collaboration with the Association for Rural and Small Libraries and Library Journal, a two-part webinar series exploring library policies and procedures related to intellectual freedom, privacy, and con...

  • Social Library, Law Edition

    With seven examples of libraries providing their communities with access to legal information and services, we've made this the 'Law Edition' in our Social Library series. Libraries are collaborating with partners for programs, workshops, clinics, an...

  • Civil Legal Aid Program at the Cleveland Public Library Meets Local Needs

    The Cleveland Public Library and The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland had been working in partnership for years, offering several legal aid workshops on general topics that were open to the public. But Aaron Mason, the library's Assistant Director, Out...

  • Lawyers in Libraries: Meeting Local Needs at the Jacksonville Public Library

    The Jacksonville Public Library in northeast Florida consists of 21 locations and a library staff ready and willing to connect their community to the resources they need – including support with civil legal issues. In 2014, Lisa Buggs, Coordinator of...

  • Censorship: Be Prepared for Challenges

    Although it might seem like a problem of the past, challenging books continues to be an issue libraries and schools experience regularly. In fact, every year the American Library Association (ALA) releases the top ten list of most frequently challeng...