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See Also

Public Library Toolkit
The Public Section of the American Association of Law Libraries developed these state specific guides to legal resources.

Locating the Law: A Handbook for Non-Law Librarians
A Southern California Association of Law Libraries' publication

National Indian Law Library
This comprehensive resource for tribal law and the U.S. federal law related to Native Americans was developed by the Native American Rights Fund.

National Archives and Records Administration
NARA preserves the legal and historical records of the United States Federal government. This material can vary from letters between agencies, to the internal reports of operations. While much of this material is only available in microfiche or paper, this web site gives a clear overview of what material is available and has selected digitized collections.

United States Senate
This official site of the Senate provides background and contact information, as well as links to committee web sites, audio/video coverage of Congressional events, and important legal sources related to law-making.

United States House of Representatives
This official site of the House provides background information and contacts to Representatives, as well as links to committee web sites, audio/video coverage of Congressional events, and important legal sources related to law-making.
This tool, created by the American Bar Association, helps people find lawyers and legal information.

A browsable list of free websites for use by the public and legal professionals.

Electronic Information System for International Law
The EISIL database covers authenticated primary and other materials across the breadth of international law, which until now has been scattered in library, archives and specialized web sites. The site was developed, with support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, by the American Society of International Law (ASIL).

Legal Information Institute
This site of legal sources is compiled by the Cornell University Law School and covers many legal issues.

American Law Sources Online
Provides a comprehensive, uniform compilation of links to all online sources of American and Canadian law. Some Mexican law sources are included as well.

National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS)
Through a national network of cooperating libraries, NLS administers a free library program of braille and audio materials.

U.S. Department of Justice Americans with Disabilities Act Home Page
Information and technical assistance on the A.D.A.