
Manage staff development

Rural Library Sustainability Training in NC

With the ever-changing nature of our work, library staff need fresh and innovative training opportunities to say current and to continue to meet the needs of our patrons. Managing staff training involves assessment of training needs, planning and evaluating staff development, and keeping on top of all the learning methods and formats available. Whether conducting training face-to-face or online, a blend of both or augmented with social media tools, managing staff learning can be the basis for a transformative and accessible learning organization for all.

Self-paced courses and webinar recordings on this topic are freely available in the WebJunction Course Catalog.

Most Recently Added

Best Practices - Web Conferencing Participants

Publish Date: Document / 15 May 2017

This collection of best practices for web conferencing participants was originally published in 2010 by Cindi Hickey and was updated in May 2017 by WebJunction staff.

WebJunction Experience: Self-paced Courses

Publish Date: News / 15 August 2016

As much as libraries are about information, they are just as much about people. Interacting with lots and lots of people. Is it any surprise that the two most-viewed self-paced courses in the WebJunction Course Catalog are Dealing with Angry Patrons ...

WebJunction Experience: Webinars

Publish Date: News / 8 August 2016

If you are new to or unfamiliar with WebJunction webinars, you may not know that we began regularly hosting webinars ten years ago. Why webinars? Library staff frequently cited that critical barriers to pursuing learning were lack of time or funds to...

Learning Together: Penfield Public Library Team and WebJunction Webinars

Publish Date: News / 8 August 2016

In the years we've been hosting webinars, we've seen a wonderful evolution toward library teams sharing in what they're learning, especially when they are able to gather to view and discuss the webinar together. Some teams like to view the recording ...

Reading Conversations: RA for All Library Staff

Publish Date: News / 18 July 2016

With a new strategic goal to focus on increasing patron access to and engagement with books and reading, the Whatcom County Library System (WCLS) in Northwestern Washington embarked on an ambitious effort to get all of their staff ready and eager to ...