Best Practices - Web Conferencing Participants
Last Modified: 15 May 2017
This collection of best practices for web conferencing participants was originally published in 2010 by Cindi Hickey and was updated in May 2017 by WebJunction staff.
Community Library Capacity Assessment
Last Modified: 03 June 2014
This is a competency-based assessment tool to measure library staff skills, knowledge and relationships, developed by the Honduras and Guatemala Riecken Foundation
E-Learning Modes - WebJunction (2014)
Last Modified: 02 April 2014
E-Learning modes include live online (synchronous), asynchronous (instructor-led), and self-paced. This document explains some of the features, advantages, and challenges of each format.
A Report from the June 2013 Continuing Education Summit
Last Modified: 21 October 2013
Summary of a summit of representatives from across the spectrum of library types and organizations who gathered to share knowledge and discuss strategies for how to meet the professional development needs of knowledge workers across the U.S.
- River-of-Learn.pdf
- New-Learning-Docs-1.pdf
- Motivation_Discovery_Docs.pdf
- River_of_Learning_Midwinter.docx
River of New Learning
Last Modified: 19 September 2012
Collection of explorations of new learning trends conducted by CE coordinator, WebJunction Partner team leads, and at a second ALA Midwinter 2013 session co-sponsored with LearnRT and WALT.
Best Practices for Cohorts attending Online Events
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
Lessons learned from libraries attending online events as groups or blended with face2face local events.
Certification requirements for U.S. states
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
Overview of the CE requirements for each U.S. state, as compiled by the Montana State Library
Eight Common Training Mistakes
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
Review this checklist to ensure that you effectively avoid common pitfalls of staff training.
Evaluating Training: Why, What and How
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
Evaluating the effectiveness of your computer training is essential. This in-depth worksheet details the areas to cover and how to ask the right questions.
Nimble is the Name of the Innovation Game
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
Overview and resources from the Interactive Session facilitated by WebJunction staff at Next Library 2014 focused on developing responsive learning models for library staff.
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