

  • 6 Webinars to Jumpstart Your Professional Development

    As 2018 comes to a close, it's the perfect time to think about your professional development goals for next year. Check out this greatest hits list of WebJunction's webinars that you can watch free at any time. Each webinar includes a list of related...

  • Managing Conflict for Supervisor Success

    Conflict inevitably arises in any workplace - it's just what happens when people work together, mingle their personalities, and encounter stresses. The Managing Conflict for Supervisor Success curriculum will help supervisors build skills to improve ...

  • New Course: Media Smart Libraries

    Children today need to be prepared for living in a digital, media-smart world and youth librarians are in a great position to effectively serve this need. Since digital technologies and online behaviors evolve so rapidly however, many librarians need...

  • Bridging the Digital Divide by Building Digital Literacy Skills

    Developing digital literacy skills for both patrons and staff has been part of the services of the Willoughby-Eastlake Public Library (OH) for some time. When Collections & Virtual Services Manager, Melanie Wilson, was invited to participate in a...

  • Shelving with Dewey: Self-paced Course Updated

    Invite new staff or volunteers to become a top-notch Dewey shelver. In the recently updated course, Shelving with Dewey, learners new to the Dewey Decimal Classification system lea...

  • WebJunction Experience: Blended Learning Strengthens Library Practice

    How would you complete this sentence? "I like my online learning to be ____." WebJunction users consistently use adjectives like "relevant," "high-quality," and "convenient" to describe their online learning pr...

  • WebJunction Experience: Self-paced Courses

    As much as libraries are about information, they are just as much about people. Interacting with lots and lots of people. Is it any surprise that the two most-viewed self-paced courses in the WebJunction Course Catalog are Dealing with Angry Patrons ...

  • Learning Together: Penfield Public Library Team and WebJunction Webinars

    In the years we've been hosting webinars, we've seen a wonderful evolution toward library teams sharing in what they're learning, especially when they are able to gather to view and discuss the webinar together. Some teams like to view the recording ...

  • WebJunction Experience: Webinars

    If you are new to or unfamiliar with WebJunction webinars, you may not know that we began regularly hosting webinars ten years ago. Why webinars? Library staff frequently cited that critical barriers to pursuing learning were lack of time or funds to...

  • Reading Conversations: RA for All Library Staff

    With a new strategic goal to focus on increasing patron access to and engagement with books and reading, the Whatcom County Library System (WCLS) in Northwestern Washington embarked on an ambitious effort to get all of their staff ready and eager to ...