
Organizational management

Photo of three people talking in a library

Leading the management of your organization involves many moving parts and people. From the development of your library's mission and vision, to strategy implementation and daily operations, leading your library team and serving as an organizational leader in your community requires ongoing improvement and innovation.  

Self-paced courses and webinar recordings on this topic are freely available in the WebJunction Course Catalog.  

Photo: Harris County Public Library on

Most Recently Added

Programs that Walk the Talk

Publish Date: News / 12 December 2023

Throughout this Climate Action series, we have discussed strategies and practical steps libraries can take toward sustainability, as well as resources to support these efforts. The Sustainable Libraries Initiative can help support a balanced approach...

Living Our Values Out Loud: Programs that Walk the Talk

Publish Date: Webinar / 28 November 2023

This webinar with the Sustainable Libraries Initiative features practitioners who have found ways to design, implement, and evaluate programs using frameworks that better represent their library’s values.

Climate Justice

Publish Date: News / 14 November 2023

While everyone is affected by climate change, the impacts of climate change are not evenly distributed. That’s why it’s so crucial to consider the social and economic impact of our environmental choices in our responses to climate change. This articl...

New Courses for Library, Archive, and Museum Staff

Publish Date: News / 3 October 2023

Library, archive, and museum staff face similar challenges when it comes to responding to a crisis, de-escalating conflict, and addressing burnout. Four new on-demand courses provide staff in cultural heritage institutions with information and tools ...

Climate Justice

Publish Date: Webinar / 3 October 2023

This webinar with the Sustainable Libraries Initiative will explore the disproportional impacts of climate change on systematically oppressed communities.