
Organizational management

Photo of three people talking in a library

Leading the management of your organization involves many moving parts and people. From the development of your library's mission and vision, to strategy implementation and daily operations, leading your library team and serving as an organizational leader in your community requires ongoing improvement and innovation.  

Self-paced courses and webinar recordings on this topic are freely available in the WebJunction Course Catalog.  

Photo: Harris County Public Library on

Most Recently Added

Recap: Libraries and the COVID-19 Crisis, OCLC Virtual Town Hall

Publish Date: News / 28 April 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted the personal and professional lives of library staff everywhere. As libraries respond to rapidly evolving information and guidelines, building closures, and loss of resources, staff are turning to new, virtual ways t...

More Buy-In = Better Marketing

Publish Date: News / 15 April 2020

The people at OCLC really get what True Marketing is all about, and they generously share their wisdom via many live sessions, online events, and publications across the world. I attended one of their special sessions in February because it covered a...

Libraries and the Coronavirus: Evolving Information and Resources

Publish Date: News / 10 March 2020

The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak is having a global impact, and affecting local communities. Staff in libraries of all types, geographic locations, and sizes are learning the facts about this public health crisis and helping to inform their patron...

Encouraging Motivation in the Workplace

Publish Date: News / 20 June 2019

Employees with a high level of motivation at work have a positive impact on overall organizational success, but the topic of motivation is complex. Encouraging Motivation in the Workplace will help supervisors understand the nature of motivation, dis...