
Organizational management

Photo of three people talking in a library

Leading the management of your organization involves many moving parts and people. From the development of your library's mission and vision, to strategy implementation and daily operations, leading your library team and serving as an organizational leader in your community requires ongoing improvement and innovation.  

Self-paced courses and webinar recordings on this topic are freely available in the WebJunction Course Catalog.  

Photo: Harris County Public Library on

Most Recently Added

Managing Conflict for Supervisor Success

Publish Date: News / 12 December 2018

Conflict inevitably arises in any workplace - it's just what happens when people work together, mingle their personalities, and encounter stresses. The Managing Conflict for Supervisor Success curriculum will help supervisors build skills to improve ...

Librarian Evolution: Libraries Thrive When We Change

Publish Date: Webinar / 29 November 2018

In this Transformative Leaders webinar, learn about an award-winning library's approach to change management, as an organization that not only responds to change, but one that embraces it.

Small But Mighty Library Management and Innovation

Publish Date: Webinar / 5 November 2018

In this webinar, learn how the Millvale Community Library addresses their community's food desert, uses clean energy, offers a tool-lending library, and more.

Revitalizing Library Volunteer Engagement

Publish Date: Webinar / 18 September 2018

This webinar explores new trends in library volunteerism and presents practical steps to recruit skilled volunteers to help grow your community of library advocates and supporters.

IFLA's Global Vision: An Interactive Discussion

Publish Date: Webinar / 24 August 2017

In this highly interactive webinar, join with the Association for Rural & Small Libraries to discuss the future of libraries as part of IFLA's Global Vision initiative.

Opioid Crisis: Libraries, Resources, Context and Data

Publish Date: News / 17 August 2017

Over two million people in the U.S. are estimated to be dependent on prescription opioids or heroin. This national epidemic is affecting communities of all sizes and the public libraries that serve them. We've begun to collect links to news, resource...