Community and Library Services Analysis Tools
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
Analysis worksheets created by Kitty Yancheff of the Humboldt County Library in Eureka, California to assess community and library services to triage social services.
Community-Led Libraries
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
Links to resources and articles related to the efforts and outcomes of a four-year Canadian libraries project involving communities in the development and delivery of library services.
Continuum of Engagement: from passive to active, individual to community
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
A Computers in Libraries presentation, March 30, 2009, addressing online and f2f community engagement. Barriers to engagement and strategies for overcoming barriers are presented, as well as a case model for public participation programming.
Homebound Services Brochure
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
This is the brochure that we provide to patrons who need library services delivered to their home. Feel Free to make it work for your needs.
Outreach Brainstorm
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
A list of outreach ideas and resources collected from the Rural Library Sustainability workshops, training institutes, and from other discussion areas on WebJunction.
Research into practice: Latino Perception of Public Libraries
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
ALA 2009 presentation and associated resources on research exploring Latino perceptions of public libraries and their public-library use and on best practices for utilizing research to inform strategic planning, advocacy, and outreach.
Welcoming Places: Ideas for public library services to Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders
Last Modified: 21 March 2012
This publication outlines the inspiring results of State Library of Queensland (Australia)'s Listen here! project which systematically documented successful ideas for improving library services to indigenous people.
Providing Library Outreach Services to Immigrants
Last Modified: 14 October 2010
Ghada Kanafani Elturk, Outreach Librarian at City of Boulder Public Library, shares how her personal experiences as an immigrant inform her approaches to providing library outreach services to immigrants at a kick-off event in October, 2011.
Keeping the 'Outreach Brand' Viable
Last Modified: 24 May 2002
Highlights from a presentation given by Kathy Mayo which cover some of the factors that can strengthen your outreach service and move it into the ranks of the other stellar programs in your library and the community.