
  • Forums Facilitate Important Community Conversations

    This past summer my library system, Sno-Isle Libraries, held a series of four community forums on the topic of teen suicide throughout the two-county library district we serve in western Washington; this was the 12th topic around which we'd created a...

  • Autism Accessible Browsing: a Community Effort at the Iowa City Public Library

    It's a simple enough story: two parents saw a need at their library, took initiative and worked with library staff to hold a program. On second glance, though, there is a lot libraries can learn from the experience of this group of three - spanning i...

  • Four Ways to Reach Entrepreneurs in Your Community

    If you are looking for an impressive number of resources, templates and ideas on how to reach and serve entrepreneurs at your library, then look no further than the webinar Support Small Business Development at Your Library.

  • Talking with Kids about Race and Racism at Oakland Public Library

    Since late 2014, when protests in Ferguson, MO, brought national attention to #BlackLivesMatter and the racial justice movement, many people—myself included—have been struggling to find age-appropriate ways to talk with youth about race, racism and c...

  • Before Bilingual Storytime: Strategies for Successful Outreach to Latino and Spanish-speaking Communities

    Library programs for new audiences often suffer from "if we build it, they will come" syndrome. So, if we know simply offering a new program to a new audience isn't likely to be as successful as we want, then what are strategies to ensure b...

  • Igniting a Love of Reading: CCPL's SPARK Program Removes Barriers

    Many public libraries offer a summer reading program, but the IMLS National Medal award-winning Cecil County Public Library's program is unique in its focus. Sociologist Karl Alexander's 30-year longitudinal study of socioeconomic differences in chil...

  • Trailblazer Profile: Norma Fultz, Rio Grande City Public Library

    Library rock stars - we all know a few and can't wait to know more. They are full of passion, constantly form connections and seek to support their community in as many ways as possible. One library rock star we'd like you to know is Norma Gomez Fult...

  • Library Kitchens and Cooking Programs

    Frequently we spot posts on Facebook groups, like ALA Think Tank or the Programming Librarian Interest Group, that get us really excited. Today was one of those days, when we saw a question posted by someone who's library has just opened a renovated ...

  • Social Library, an Early Literacy Edition

    With this edition of the Social Library, we're shifting to a bimonthly series but continuing to highlight the outstanding work of libraries we follow on Facebook. This edition showcases libraries and organizations who are doing great work supporting ...

  • Racial Equity in the Library, Part Two: Diverse Collections, Programming, Resources

    "So this group of rowdy teen/tween boys came into the library today. They weren't really causing trouble, but they were a little loud and just … looked like they were looking for mischief, you know? So then they started going through the non-fic...