Personal growth & development

Photo of the word Learning
Photo by Alan Levine, Public Domain

WebJunction is committed to the idea of lifelong learning and that it takes many forms. This could be learning that we do to gain work-related knowledge, to develop communication skills, or even improve our personal health and wellness. Explore this topic area to find resources and information to help you cultivate a positive approach to situations in and out of the workplace.

Self-paced courses and webinar recordings on this topic are freely available in the WebJunction Course Catalog.

Most Recently Added

WebJunction Experience: Self-paced Courses

Publish Date: News / 15 August 2016

As much as libraries are about information, they are just as much about people. Interacting with lots and lots of people. Is it any surprise that the two most-viewed self-paced courses in the WebJunction Course Catalog are Dealing with Angry Patrons ...

WebJunction Experience: Webinars

Publish Date: News / 8 August 2016

If you are new to or unfamiliar with WebJunction webinars, you may not know that we began regularly hosting webinars ten years ago. Why webinars? Library staff frequently cited that critical barriers to pursuing learning were lack of time or funds to...

Self-Directed Achievement on a Small Scale

Publish Date: News / 5 April 2016

When I first watched Jami Carter's webinar on Self-Directed Achievement (SDA), I was inspired, really inspired, and became an avowed evangelist for the SDA concept. Apparently, I was not the only one. Joan Blalock, branch manager of the Cowpens Libra...

Approaching Conflict as an Opportunity for Growth

Publish Date: News / 6 November 2015

Before the webinar "Growing Through Conflict: Healthy Workplace Communication," was even over, the participants were already asking for more! WebJunction's own, Anna Shelton shared techniques and skills to approach conflict in our lives. Be...