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No Swimming sign with book stacks in the background

Are you looking for the right policy to handle a specific need in your library? This section addresses everything from computer to privacy policies - and we're always looking for new content. We know that seeing examples and reading how other libraries have successfully implemented a policy, or how they have handled challenges, are great starting points for others looking to do the same.

No Swimming, James F Clay, CC BY-NC 2.0

Most Recently Added

Cultural humility in library work

Publish Date: Webinar / 17 July 2024

Explore the benefits of incorporating cultural humility into library practice, whether through interpersonal interactions or to inform and improve policies and procedures.

Cardholder Signup: Collecting and Analyzing How Patrons Get Library Cards

Publish Date: News / 27 November 2023

In May 2023, with funding from the Mellon Foundation, Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) launched an 18-month research project to collect and study cardholder signup policies from public libraries across the nation. The project aims to identify the range ...

Library Safety and Security: A Holistic Approach

Publish Date: Webinar / 18 May 2023

This session presents a holistic approach for creating safe environments, through strong community relationships, inclusive policies, and empowered staff.

Proactive Planning for Library Staff Transitions

Publish Date: Webinar / 19 April 2023

This webinar introduces practical approaches to preserve organizational knowledge, clarify processes for current staff and trustees, and ease the learning curve for new employees.

Universal Design at Your Library

Publish Date: Webinar / 31 March 2023

This presentation will introduce the principles of Universal Design and offer concrete advice for how to apply each of the principles at any library.

Library Policies for Today’s Communities

Publish Date: Webinar / 22 February 2023

View this webinar to learn the importance of crafting clear policies for your library, to help establish and set standards that ensure equity and safety for both staff and patrons.

Resources on Book Challenges and Intellectual Freedom

Publish Date: News / 24 May 2022

Across the United States, there are increased reports of book challenges from community members, which have led to very public and heated discussions. As public library leaders and staff consider how to prepare for similar local challenges, being pro...