
  • Media and information literacy: Resources that address misinformation

    At a time when the concept of truth is frequently being challenged, media and information literacy enables people to question critically what they have read, heard, and learned.
    Media and information literacy includes having the knowl...

  • A Delicious Library Collaboration

    Running a restaurant is no easy task. And while libraries do a lot of things amazingly well, being a restaurant operator on top of all that is a tricky proposition. But when has a challenge ever stopped a library? This is certainly the case for Toled...

  • Sustainable Libraries: Resources and webinars for climate action

    WebJunction and the Sustainable Libraries Initiative are collaborating to offer a set of resources to support libraries as they address the greatest threat to global health and the grandest ch...

  • Adopt-a-Shelf program lets students create book fisplays

    Libraries can offer safe, welcoming spaces for young people to access resources and programming, explore their interests, and connect with peers. And these benefits can be even more impactful when young people feel like they can actively contribute. ...

  • Hunger-Free Libraries: Food Pantries and Fridges

    Food insecurity is a problem that has drawn increasing attention in recent years. Libraries have a long, rich history of partnering with government and nonprofit agencies to help improve food access, and lately they have been helping in new and creat...

  • Sow Connection with Seed Libraries

    Seed libraries offer a great way for new and experienced gardeners alike to expand their access to a wider variety of seeds, and traditional libraries are getting in on this growing trend. Seed libraries are community-based collections of seeds that ...

  • Promote Community Health with the Relationship-Driven Library

    Let’s Move in Libraries is an international initiative to get people of all ages and abilities on the path to health. During the month of April, Let’s Move in Libraries will host a series of online conversations on community collaboration and communi...

  • Golden Hour with the Library

    Forsyth County Public Library is taking programming on the road to meet some of their senior community members where they live. Golden Hour with the Library offers interactive activities based around a theme, such as travel, holiday traditions, or cr...

  • Meeting Global Challenges with Collaborative Leadership

    Each year, the Global Council has selected an area of focus to help concentrate efforts around a challenge facing libraries around the world. This important work spans not only geographic regions, but all types of libraries, and provides opportunitie...

  • How to Host a Human Library

    Drag Queen. Refugee. Bipolar. Retired military. These are examples of titles on a very different type of bookshelf at a Human Library event. The Human Library nonprofit created this global learning experience in 2000 to facilitate dialogue between co...