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Encouraging Motivation in the Workplace

ALA's Learning Round Table /

Employees with a high level of motivation at work have a positive impact on overall organizational success, but the topic of motivation is complex. Encouraging Motivation in the Workplace will help supervisors understand the nature of motivation, discover their own and their employees’ motivational preferences, and apply strategies to tap those preferences to increase motivation across the team.

Learner Guide: Encouraging Motivation in the Workplace (pdf)

Key learning objectives:

  1. Supervisors will understand the basics of motivation, recognize how these concepts relate to organizational success, and provide a framework that encourages employee engagement.
  2. Supervisors will identify their own motivational preferences and those of individual employees, and use this knowledge to build a culture of trust and foster ongoing motivation and employee development.

The Learner Guide provides resources, activities and reflections on the topics. The learning is self-paced, and you are encouraged to go at your own speed, allowing time to apply the learning through various activities, then returning to the guide to reflect on what you learned through application. For those who want to dive deeper into the content, there are options for how far you choose to go with the activities, as well as additional resources. The extent to which you apply the learning and activities will determine the overall amount of time you spend in the course.

The Training for Library Supervisors curriculum was developed by the Motivation sub-group of the Supervisor Success Committee for ALA’s Learning Round Table in collaboration with See also, Managing Conflict for Supervisor Success and Performance Management for Supervisors.

See also the webinar, Training New Supervisors for Success: Don't Start from Scratch, on how the Indianapolis Public Library Training and HR staff used this ready-made self-paced learning, added some library-specific context and group discussions, and created a successful new learning process for their managers.

Conflict Management Group

Team lead

  • Kristin Meyer, User Experience Librarian, Grand Valley State University Libraries

Contributors and collaborators

  • Margaret Holder, Branch Manager, Pickens County Library System
  • Jill Sodt, Director of Library Services, Mott Community College
  • Catherine Hakala-Ausperk, Library Consultant/Author/Trainer, Libraries Thrive
Image: Team motivation by rawpixel on Pixabay