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Infopeople Webinars New to the WebJunction Course Catalog

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Image courtesy InfopeopleThe WebJunction Course Catalog provides free access to library-focused self-paced courses and webinar recordings. Through the generous support of OCLC and many state library agencies across the United States, WebJunction continues to provide timely and relevant learning content for you to access anytime, from anywhere.

In addition to webinars and courses created through WebJunction, we are pleased to include quality and relevant learning content from other organizations, including Infopeople. We recently added ten new Infopeople webinar recordings on topics core to the important work of libraries. You’ll find the details on these great new additions below. Thank you to the Infopeople team for expanding access to their webinar recordings through the WebJunction Course Catalog, and to all collaborators and supporters of a nationally coordinated approach to continuing education for library staff. Be sure to explore all that Infopeople has to offer, including upcoming webinars.

Visit to browse all courses and webinar recordings, and remember, with each course or webinar you view from the catalog, you earn a certificate of completion!

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