Library CE Training Institute Convenes Top Talents
The Library CE Training Institute is a focal part of the Strengthening Continuing Education Content for Libraries project, which seeks to help library CE providers find effective and sustainable models for delivering online training opportunities that meet ever-changing demands on library staff for new skills and knowledge.
Funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and driven by the partnership of WebJunction and Infopeople, the CE Institute is working with a select group of 12 CE providers to explore best practices for designing and delivering online learning. This will involve the creation of new online courses, while modeling collaborative practices to support development of continuing education content for libraries.
Training Institute members were selected through a highly competitive application process, which sought to involve a diverse mix of trainers with expertise in general training principles and experience delivering library-specific training. Candidates were also chosen based on their desire to develop competencies in online training design, along with strong support from their organizations.
The Training Institute program is delivered as a blend of live online sessions, self-paced tutorials, and an in-person workshop. The Institute kicked off with two highly interactive online sessions to introduce the goals and concepts for the training and to prepare participants to hit the ground running at the 2-day in-person workshop in Seattle in May. It’s clear that this cohort brings tremendous talent, creativity and insight to the table and that we are all learning from each other. View the Training Outline or the Learning Objectives to learn more about the curriculum (both links open as PDF documents).
We are thrilled to introduce the Institute participants and their organizations here, and look forward to our continued work with them during the coming months!
Training Institute Participants

Amy Calhoun
Virtual Branch Coordinator | Sacramento Public Library (CA)

Katherine Kimball Adelberg
Technology Consultant | Kentucky Department for Libraries & Archives (KY)

Maurice Coleman
Specialist III - Technical Trainer | Harford County Public Library (MD)

Christine Kreger
Professional Development Senior Consultant | Colorado State Library, Department of Education (CO)

Enid Costley
Children’s and Youth Services Consultant | Library of Virginia (VA)

Meredith Lowe
Outreach Specialist, Continuing Education Services | School of Library and Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)

Colleen Eggett
Training Coordinator/Consultant | Utah State Library (UT)

Jamie Matczak
Continuing Education, Youth and Public Information Coordinator | Nicolet Federated Library System (WI)

Katie Fearer
Public Services Librarian | Alaska State Library (AK)

Kelly Jo Woodside
BiblioTemps® Manager / Advisor (Academic Libraries Liaison) | Massachusetts Library System (MA)

Tiffany Hayes
Library Training Coordinator | Cumberland County Public Library & Information Center (NC)

Stephanie Zimmerman
Training & Development Coordinator | Library System of Lancaster County (PA)