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5 Ways to Make WebJunction Part of Your Day

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Image: We Learn at WebJunctionAt WebJunction, our tagline is “The learning place for libraries.” To help you explore all the learning that we have to offer, we’ve put together a quick list of five things you can do to get started. With so many self-paced options, you can take advantage of learning when it works for you. And the best part of all of this is that it’s all free for you, thanks to the generous support of state library agencies and OCLC.

  1. Read an article. One of our goals at WebJunction is to surface the great work happening in public libraries. By sharing these stories, we hope to inspire staff at other libraries to try something new that can help to meet community needs. You’ll find at least one new article each week on our home page, and you can also browse by topic, such as Space Planning or Partnerships & Collaborations.

  2. Register for a live webinar. Each month, we host two live webinars which are led by library staff in the field, as well as their partners and collaborators who help to strengthen library services. Check out the Webinar Calendar for our upcoming events. Before each webinar, we post the slides and a Learner Guide which can help you and your colleagues extend the conversation and learning beyond the live session. After the webinar, we post the active chat from participants, any additional links and resources shared in the session, and we’ll send you (and anyone who joins with you!) a certificate for attending. And we provide live closed-captions during our sessions and make the transcript available following the webinar.

  3. Create an account in the Course Catalog, where you’ll find over 300 self-paced courses and webinar recordings, all on library-specific topics, ready when you are. You’ll get a printable certificate of attendance once you’ve completed a course so you can keep track of your learning. Check out topics including Customer Service, Personal Growth and Development and Collections Management – there is something for everyone!

  4. Register for Crossroads. Staying informed of learning opportunities and new content is a great way to stay engaged with WebJunction. Our free online newsletter, Crossroads, is sent out twice a month, direct to your inbox. Check out recent issues and sign up to receive the next issue.

  5. Contact us to share your story. The power of WebJunction is in the libraries that we profile and the library staff that we support in meeting their continuing education goals. If you have a story to share that we could profile on WebJunction, reach out to us at [email protected] – we’d love to hear from you!