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Resources for trustees and boards

Brooke Doyle, Program Manager, WebJunction /

Serving on a library board is a terrific way to contribute to the library and the community. The role also comes with significant responsibilities, and many board members, also called trustees, will benefit from training. This compilation of related resources includes materials and handbooks from state libraries, webinars and articles from WebJunction, and tips from organizations, such as United for Libraries.

The basics

A great place to start is to understand the differences between the board’s job, the library director’s and the Friends group’s. This handout from the Connecticut State Library shows a helpful division of responsibilities. Understanding these responsibilities is also addressed by Mary Beth Harrington who presented an informative session at the ALA conference called “Top 10 Things Every Library Board Member Should Know—but Often Doesn’t,” which is summarized here.

Boards should have job descriptions, a commitment letter, and an orientation or onboarding process. The Wyoming State Library developed a sample board handbook that can be a useful model. It can also be helpful to look outside the library field for examples, and this resource outlines some nonprofit board best practices. 

Building a Culture of Learning with Library Boards: This WebJunction webinar presented by the State Library of Iowa presents ideas for growing board learning into a blossoming culture that motivates board members to see education and training as a natural part of their trusteeship.

Training room with library trustees
Training room with library trustees
Trustees” by New Jersey State Library. Licensed under CC-BY-NC 2.0.

State library resources

Several state libraries have robust trustee training videos available online. While much of this content is generalizable, specific state regulations should be consulted.

Beyond the basics

Beyond general training for boards and trustees, specific topics help members be prepared for some of the trickier issues that they will face.

  • Toward Tech Savvy Trustees
    How tech savvy are your trustees? The more that trustees are dialed into a personal use of technology, the better advocates they will be for the library’s technology needs. This webinar includes fun and practical ways to inspire greater tech savviness in your trustees. You don’t need a board of IT specialists, just a board that has a sharper set of digital tools.
  • Navigating the Library Director Hiring Process: A Guide for Trustees And Boards
    A crucial part of a board’s job is hiring a library director. This WebJunction webinar offers important steps for hiring a library director, empowering your board to secure visionary leadership and avoid pitfalls.
  • Proactive Planning for Library Staff Transitions
    This webinar introduces practical approaches to preserve organizational knowledge, clarify processes for current staff and trustees, and ease the learning curve for new employees.
  • Proactive Advocacy and Communication for Library Trustees and Staff
    Explore communication tools and strategies for boards and library staff to be better prepared for unknown changes.
  • Advocacy in Action
    A comprehensive set of WebJunction resources, designed to walk you through the five phases of a local library awareness campaign, to showcase the vital role of the library in your community and educate the public about the critical funding issues libraries face.

Book challenges and intellectual freedom

Across the United States, there are increased reports of book challenges from community members, which have led to very public and heated discussions. Being proactive about developing and sharing policies and procedures can help to create clarity and establish expectations around responses to book challenges. This list of resources and webinars can be used to support your library's efforts in being prepared for book challenges and in upholding the principles of intellectual freedom in your library's services and collections.

During this two-part series presented by United for Libraries, parliamentarian Nancy Sylvester shares actions, training, and preparation that boards and library directors can take now to be ready for problems and issues, and tips and best practices for handling problems in board meetings. (This will require a free ALA account to access.)

Part 1 focuses on “Steps to Be Prepared & How to Handle Problems.” Participants will learn what actions and preparation boards and library directors can take now to be ready for issues that may arise (including meeting disruptions by non-board members, a board member overstepping boundaries or pushing their personal agenda, etc.).

Part 2 features a “Mock Board Meeting,” with an enactment of a library board meeting and Sylvester providing “in-the-moment” tips to handle misbehavior, conflict, disruptions, etc.

Lexington County Public Library (SC) board member training
Trustee training” by South Carolina State Library. Licensed under CC-BY-NC 2.0.

Recruitment and retention

The webinar Revitalizing Library Volunteer Engagement from WebJunction explores new trends in library volunteerism. It presents practical steps to recruit skilled board members to help grow your community of library advocates and supporters.

The WebJunction article “New directions for volunteers” includes tips you may not have thought of when recruiting volunteers for the board.


A successful library board is no accident. Being prepared with resources, activities, and training will help ensure the board is ready to serve the library and the community well.