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Social Library, Volume 97

Jennifer Peterson /

Image courtesy Uxbridge Public Library on Facebook

This week’s edition of our Social Library series highlights posts from five libraries we follow on Facebook, with everything from tech tips to fundraising. There’s really no limit to what you can bring to social media to engage with your community. Whether sharing important information on toy safety or featuring the latest high school theater production at storytime, there are opportunities to connect community in so many ways. If you'd like to see your library featured in a Social Library edition, please let us know via [email protected] or find us on Facebook.

  • Uxbridge Public Library in Ontario, Canada shares a Tech Tip the last Friday of every month. This month they shared TECH TIPS #7 Pa55W0rd Woes with important information on managing your passwords. "Make sure you are as smart as the phone!"
  • Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library in Kansas shared an important holiday season post from their blog, Think Toy Safety For Gifts, with toy safety tips from trusted health information resources on how to have a safe and healthy holiday! 
  • Image courtesy Pendleton County Public Library on Facebook
  • Osceola Public Library in Wisconsin was pleased to be able to share a blog post by Ellen McEvoy, who visits libraries and writes about them! "Ellen from St. Paul, MN stopped into our library the other day. During her travels she makes sure to stop into the libraries in the towns she visits and then blogs about the libraries. Take a moment to visit her blog to read about her visit to OPL, and then read about all of the libraries she has visited. Thank you for visiting with us Ellen, and we hope to see you again next year when we are in our new facility!"
  • Pendleton County Public Library in Kentucky shared a fantastic set of photos of the Pendleton County High School production of Alice in Wonderland at Story Hour! What a fantastic way to bring theater to the library, to promote your local high school production, and to inspire young thespians!
  • Morrisville Public Library in New York is inviting community members to "Help Morrisville Public Library every time you shop at 1,844 of the most popular online stores" via their profile. Similar to AmazonSmile, iGive provides an easy way for shoppers to ensure a percentage (varies by store) of the purchase is donated to their favorite cause. We know how much shopping happens online these days, so what an easy way to help them help you!