Survey on Climate and Environmental Health in Libraries

STAR Net /
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Image by Chen from Pixabay

STAR Net invites you to complete a short survey to inform the design of the 2024 Climate Action Symposium: Exploring Collaborations with Libraries, Community-Based Organizations, and Public Health Agencies.

The symposium is part of Building Resilient Communities, a project funded by the National Science Foundation and led by the Space Science Institute and its STAR Library Network. Project partners include OCLC WebJunction, University of North Carolina Greensboro, and Interactive Learning Dynamics.

The focus of the survey is on public library STEM learning programs and activities related to climate change science, climate change's impacts on public health, and community sustainability and/or resiliency. The estimated time needed to complete this survey is nine minutes. All information you provide will be completely confidential. Data will only be shared in aggregate through reports and papers – no personally identifiable information will be shared.  

Complete survey

Thank you for your support!  

WCG IRB has determined this work Exempt under 45 CFR § 46.104(d)(2); WCG IRB Work Order #1-1727348-1 (PI: Holland).

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number DRL-2314180. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.