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Harnessing the power of library data

An introduction to data analytics

Data for Good /

In this data analytics micro lesson, you will be introduced to each phase of the data analysis process using a library circulation data set. The goal is to uncover information about library resources that can help with purchasing and budgeting decisions. The content is divided into four lessons:

Lesson 1: An Introduction to Data Analytics

Lesson 2: Question Mapping

Lesson 3: Data Cleaning

Lesson 4: Data Visualizations

This resource is designed to provide guided practice by walking you through each step. Next, you can practice the steps on you own and check your answers against completed documents provided with each lesson. The estimated time to complete this lesson, without the independent practice, is 45 minutes. Familiarity with the basics of Excel is helpful.

Lesson 1: An Introduction to Data Analytics

This lesson introduces the data analtyics cycle and a library circulation data set that will used throughout the four lessons.

Handout for this lesson

Lesson 2: Question Mapping

In this lesson, Dexter Strong will walk you through the process of mapping questions to a library circulation data source.

Handouts for this lesson

Lesson 3: Data Cleaning

In this lesson, Dexter Strong will walk you through the steps of cleaning a library circulation data set so it can used to create a data visualization for analysis.

Handouts for this lesson

Lesson 4: Data Visualizations

In this lesson, you will learn how to create data visuals, or charts that answer the questions posed in Lesson 1.

Handouts for this lesson

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